Why you should not extend the mirror link validity period for deliveries? | Adobe Campaign | Best Practices



We all know that the there is a validity set for the mirror page link used in Adobe Campaign deliveries. This is usually 180 days but you can increase it as much as you want but there is a catch to this. It is very important to understand the consequences of this change.

Let’s suppose you increase the limit from 180 days to 720 days.

Some side effects to increasing the period to 720 days are:

1. The performance of the system will reduce due to this.
2. The instance tables will consume a lot of space on the server
3. Also, the sequence number in the instance will create a problem.

Let me elaborate on the third point as this the most important one.The sequence number of a broadlog is finite in one instance.If the retention time is increased then the sequences will get exhausted and will not be reused.

In PostgreSQL database (campaign database) the maximum limit of an integer (int 32) is  0 to 2,147,483,647.In case you have enabled negative sequence then the range would be -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647.  This range would be exhausted easily if you keep this setting to 720 days or more.

The reason for this is, if you have a delivery that targets a million recipients. These million delivery will have a million tracking URL, which will consume a total of 2 million entries in the broad-logs. Imagine the number of sequence that such deliveries will consume over a period of 720 days.

This is the reason why it is recommended to keep these setting to as less as possible.

Hope this helps.

I will create a post on negative sequence enablement as well. Stay tuned.

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