Why Push notifications are not reaching to App devices successfully? | Adobe Campaign Classic


Troubleshooting a push delivery can sometimes be time-consuming in Adobe Campaign. Today I will discuss one such example which took me some time to resolve.

The error messages that will be discussed in this article are

  1. SyntaxError: invalid XML attribute value
  2. SyntaxError: invalid XML tag syntax
  3. Error=NotRegistered

Check the productName. It might contain a special character that is breaking the JS/template syntax

Checking the productName associated currently with the token, we can see that a & char is present in the productName. (please have a look to the captures)

This is the reason for this error.


Open the push delivery and click on the “Delivery” tab.push-delivery-adobe-campaign-2


When you want to use a parameter that can contain “&” character you will have to escape it.

Use the xml escaping function:
<%= escapeXmlStr(targetData.productName) %>

3. Error=NotRegistered

  • The GCM/FCM server is telling you that the device is not registered. Clearly not something linked to AC.
  • Your token can be no more valid or your token has been generated for another GCM/FCM mobile app project.

Hope this helps.

error: Content is protected !!