How to exclude a workflow from being monitored in production? | Adobe Camapign Classic



Sometimes we receive alerts for some workflow for which monitoring is not required. In such cases, we have to remove the workflow from the monitoring list. This article will show you how you can achieve that.

Before we start with the steps to accomplish this, we need to know about the two workflows that we will be dealing with.

This is the workflow that queries the database to find all the workflows in an instance on which monitoring has been enabled.

This is the workflow which needs to be removed from the monitoring list of workflows.

Kindly follow the below steps,

Step 1:

Open the monitoring workflow “WorkflowsMonitoring” and check for the javaScript used. In our case, it is the “mon:workflowsMonitoring.js”


Step 2:
Here you can see that the condition “production = 1” is applied. So, we need to remove the vgImportDPMeta from the production workflow list.



Step 3:
Go to the workflow vgImportDPMeta >> Click on Properties >> uncheck the “Production Checkbox”.This will remove the vgImportDPMeta from the production workflow list.


Hope this helps.

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